TotalEnergies in the United States

We are active in the United States in all our business segments, except retail fuel. We lead several community outreach initiatives in the country.

Key Figures

the year we first began operating in the country
Company employees in the United States
> 25 GW

capacity of our solar and wind power generation and battery storage portfolio

Our businesses in the United States

More energies

Renewables & electricity

In the United States, we have a solar and wind power generation and battery storage portfolio of more than 25 GW.

We are also developing 4 GW of fixed-bottom offshore wind off the U.S. East Coast.

Our affiliate SunPower is the North American market leader in distributed solar power generation. Our affiliate Saft has five battery production plants and a distribution center in the country.


Gas & green gas

In the United States, we carry out our LNG trading and sales projects through our affiliate Total Gas & Power North America (TGPNA).

We possess liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification capacity at the Sabine Pass LNG terminal (in Louisiana) and we hold an interest in the Cameron LNG terminal.

Lastly, we are a shareholder in Clean Energy Fuels Corp, a leader in supplying natural gas and renewable natural gas for vehicles in the transportation industry in North America.

Oil and biofuels

In the United States, we hold interests in the Jack and Tahiti fields in the Gulf of Mexico, both of which are in production. We also operate the assets in the Barnett Shale Basin in Texas. We hold interests in two exploration licenses.

In the field of renewable fuels, we are developing carbon-negative renewable natural gas production facilities as part of a joint venture with our partner Clean Energy Fuels.

Specialty, petroleum and bio-based products

In the United States, we operate the Port Arthur refinery in Texas, where we do all our refining in the country.

We are active in the petrochemicals sector in Texas and Louisiana through the petrochemical facilities that we operate or own through joint ventures.

We also operate a lubricant blending plant in New Jersey and a special fluids production plant in Texas.

Finally, our affiliate Hutchinson has several plants in the country.


With our customers

BtoB customers

In the United States, we supply our business customers with solutions designed by our affiliates Hutchinson and Saft. We also retail specialty, petroleum and petrochemical products in the country.


Our latest news from the United States