Main ESG Ratings

TotalEnergies is assessed on its ESG performance by ESG rating agencies that provide this information to financial investors among others. These assessments are made on the basis of publicly available information but also, depending on the methodology used by the agencies, on the basis of in-depth discussions. These ratings are used to assess the Company's ESG performance and its positioning among its peers. TotalEnergies is among the industry leaders in the rankings of the main ESG rating agencies and aims to maintain its exemplarity.


Main ESG scores in 2023

Main ESG scores 2023


TotalEnergies is also included in numerous ESG indices composed of the best performing companies in terms of sustainable development. Thus, TotalEnergies has been present since 2001 in the FTSE4Good index series (London Stock Exchange) and was reintegrated into the DJSI World and DJSI Europe indices in December 2022.

In 2022, TotalEnergies obtained a score of A- on the CDP questionnaire on climate change. In 2022, TotalEnergies obtained Platinum status for its commercial entities listed on the EcoVadis platform for TotalEnergies Electricité et Gaz France and Greenflex, the Gold status for TotalEnergies Marketing & Service, TotalEnergies Gas & Power Limited and Saft Groupe and the Silver status for TotalEnergies Refining & Chemicals.


MSCI produces ESG ratings based on risks identified as material by sector. The agency also produces non-financial indices.

MSCI's website


Sustainalytics produces ESG risk ratings of companies which measure the degree to which a company’s economic value is at risk driven by ESG factors or the magnitude of a company’s unmanaged ESG risks. The ESG Risk Rating reflects a company's exposure to material, industry-specific ESG risks and the company's management of those risks.

Sustainalytics' website


The ISS ESG Corporate Rating provides ESG performance ratings on universal topics as well as other sector-specific topics. “Prime” status is awarded to industry leaders, which are then recommended to socially responsible investors.

ISS ESG's website

S&P Global

S&P Global, through the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), assesses a company's ESG performance across a broad range of economic, environmental, and social criteria specific to a sector. The output of CSA underpins the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI).

S&P Global's website

Moody’s ESG Solutions

Moody's ESG Assessments evaluate how a company is managing its exposure to material ESG risks and opportunities that are material to its business and stakeholders.

Moody's ESG Solutions' website


logo CDP

The CDP (which was called the Carbon Disclosure Project until the end of 2012) is a not-for-profit organization which aim is to study the implications of climate change for the world's principal publicly traded companies. The CDP has a permanent administrative office based in London and a staff of 50.

CDP's website

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    Sustainability & Climate 2024 Progress Report

    March 2024